when your Reputation is super low, basicly it was emty and you did a (crime) again. when you finish the "Keep the city clean" task. you will be softlocked in the post office.
i was chased by the cops, and while that happens, doors are disabled so you cant escape. well that also works from the inside. so i cant leave. you could fix this simpely by allowing you leave the building from the inside, or you could just disable that the cobs wont be mad if you increse the Reputation. OR what would be way cooler, the owner would kick you out with a special animation. just my oppinion (:
There is a glitch where if you fly with the jetpack while wearing the suit the suit visually disappears but you can still go into the gentlemen club and also you can jetpack between inside the shop and post office please fix!
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i found a bug,
when your Reputation is super low, basicly it was emty and you did a (crime) again. when you finish the "Keep the city clean" task. you will be softlocked in the post office.
i was chased by the cops, and while that happens, doors are disabled so you cant escape. well that also works from the inside. so i cant leave. you could fix this simpely by allowing you leave the building from the inside, or you could just disable that the cobs wont be mad if you increse the Reputation. OR what would be way cooler, the owner would kick you out with a special animation. just my oppinion (:
There should be an option to continue the game after you win, and on the win screen it should tell you how long it took you to finish.
GG ez
i CaNt CoMbAt
ThE jEtPaCk BrOkEn
Hobo simulator 2069
After you purchase the suit, don't use the jetpack! The model glitches out and turns into a hobo again but the game still thinks you are in a suit :/
ez i beat it
When you have the jetpack and you are on the ground. If you start flying right when it disappears, you get diarrhea. Kyubikek sent an image of it.
so I may have wandered off to the edge of the game... i thought i'd just loop back around :'(
Wait... theres an end?
There is a glitch where if you fly with the jetpack while wearing the suit the suit visually disappears but you can still go into the gentlemen club and also you can jetpack between inside the shop and post office please fix!
nice game
how do i play it
There is instructions right under the game.
there's a glitch were if you equip the jet pack while having the suit on you don't have the suit anymore. Pls fix.
if only i could paint good drawings and code :(
It would be a lot cooler if you updated it with more economics like a job system or more people that can give you a reputation :D
i completed the game without shovel and trash even with full reputation
fun little game wish it was longer tho
this is awesome game 😎
da best game ever 🙂
nice one.
i click the screen game and i cant attack at all
help i cant attack anybody, is this bugged
Get a shovel first
You have to click it first for some reason
Can you make a mobile version.
how do i download
The game is ok, bit short but still of a decent game, what i sugget is music cuz it feels creepy without music TBH
Why is there no download?
No You can by pressing Download now under the game web window
how do I play it after downloading it?
very good game, will you update?
2 months later he added a combat system lo
cool, beat it :)
me to
whats the use of the shovel?
use it for find more money :)
theres no intro
epic bepic scratchic
Click here for a suprise! :)
Really :|
you know if you hover over the link you can see where it goes :/
hee hee
an add saved me
get yt premium
I saw it in the corner of my window
its a YouTube link
ik what it is
The ad saved me
i knew it
i opened in other tab and found it but good job
I have spent enough time on the internet to learn the rickroll adress from memory
epic game
Good game. Too bad the music's gone tho.
what's the shovel for?
that's what i was wondering
eat it to summon jesus. he will kill the cops
i like it :)
woah this is cool